Sunday, 24 January 2016

23-24 Jan Advanced Pranic Healing Course

Practicing the new technique under instructor's guidance

Thank you everyone for joining Advanced Pranic Healing class on 23-24 Jan. We had a fruitful session with our overseas instructor Aneeta Saraf.
Advanced Pranic Healing Course was an interactive workshop with the teaching and practicing session which enables us to learn the new skills in a short time. Here are some new concepts that we have learnt...
1. We learnt the properties of different colors, and the techniques to speed up the healing process.
2. We also learnt more powerful technique to how to recharge ourselves and loved one.
3. New technique to increase the immune system of our children in this high season of infection
4. Advanced Pranic Healing book with protocols so we can start the healing of some more severe and chronic ailments like high blood pressure, cancer etc for our loved ones.

Here are the feedback from students after the class
1. One student with feedback that his family member feeling the healing on the pain with colors is much powerful, even he did not tell her before it's using the new technique.
2. One student said her friends can see the color that she's projecting during healing.
3. More students found that new techniques are so useful to relief the ailments e.g. cough, pain etc of their partner, kids, clients and friends, as well as recharging themselves.
Such a wonderful workshop that can make our life easier and happier. Looking forward to the psychotherapy class in Mar!

Event Date: 23-24 Jan 2016, 9:30am-6:30pm

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